Healthy Eyes

Keep Your Vision Strong

Your Health and Your Eyes

It’s all connected

We all want to protect our eyesight and overall health for ourselves and our family – that is why regular eye exams are important. Regular eye care and exams can protect and prevent many eye diseases, if detected early.

Today, a whole range of eye problems can be treated successfully without total vision loss. Many vision problems begin at an early age, so it’s especially important for children to receive proper eye care from the time they are infants.

What is an Optomap?

The Optomap is a panoramic digital image of the retina produced by Optos scanning laser technology. It is the only technology that can show a wide 82% view of your retina at one time. An Optomap’s wide view of the retina may help our doctor(s) detect problems more quickly and easily. Unlike traditional retinal exams, the Optomap image can be saved for future comparisons.

Benefits of an Optomap?

Early protection from vision impairment or blindness

Early detection of life-threatening diseases like cancer, stroke and cardiovascular disease

Eye diseases – Diabetes, Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Hypertension – can be monitored and reviewed over time.

Why is a retinal exam so important?

Some of the first signs of diseases such as stroke, diabetes and even some cancers can be seen in your retina, often before you have other symptoms. An optomap makes it easier to see them.

Is an Optomap safe for children?

Yes. In fact, many vision problems begin in early childhood, so it’s important for children to receive quality routine eye care.

Does it hurt?

No. It is completely comfortable and the scan takes less than a second.

How often should I have an Optomap?

This is a decision that should be made by our doctor(s). However, it is generally recommended that you have an Optomap each time you have an eye exam.

Are there side effects?

Optomap images are created by non-invasive, low-intensity scanning lasers. No adverse effects have been reported in over 39 million sessions.

Why was it developed?

Optos was founded 20 years ago by Douglas Anderson after his then five-year-old son, Leif, went blind in one eye when a retinal detachment was detected too late. Routine exams were uncomfortable, especially for a child, which made it impossible for the doctor to conduct a complete exam and view the entire retina. Douglas set out to develop a patient-friendly retinal imaging product that encompassed a digital widefield image of the retina easily.