Practice Policies
Keeping things clear 😉
Thank you for choosing Eye Care Center of Leesburg for your eye care. We strive to provide the best services and quality care possible. We also strive to have the same level of quality when billing for our services.
This guide will serve to assist in getting your services paid. It is your responsibility to be knowledgeable about your insurance. The patient responsibilities at each visit are:
- A current insurance card with primary member and date of birth
- Your co-payment and/or deductible
- Payment of any past unpaid balances and/or denied claims
- We are contracted with the majority of health insurance companies in the region, and will file with those plans as a courtesy to you. Eligibility is based on information you present and is confirmed prior to your visit.
- Patients who arrive to be seen in our office with invalid/terminated insurance, lack of proof of continuing coverage, or the wrong doctor’s name on the card will be seen if payment for the visit is received at the time of service. You also may elect to reschedule your visit.
Updated Information
It is critical for us to have your current information for billing and, if necessary, for our office to contact you. Your insurance plan requires you to keep our office current on any changes in address, phone number or coverage.
Payments due at the time of service
Payments are always required at the time of service. These include applicable co-insurance, co-payments, and any outstanding account balances. Failure to pay co-payments at the time of service is a violation of your insurance contract and may be reported. Any unpaid balance for glasses or contacts is due when you pick up your completed glasses or contacts.
Late or Missed Appointments
If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment we reserve the right to reschedule. If you need to cancel an appointment, we request that you give us at least 24 hours prior to the appointment in order for other patients to be scheduled in the time originally set aside for you.
Collection Agency
Failure to pay balances may result in the account going to an outside collection agency.